Welcome to Team DivumWX
weewx-DivumWX is the exciting new replacement for the weewx-Weather34 Skin
It retains the dashboard display format of its pre-decessor.
However it has: -.
Additional Modules
New Graphic Designs
A code Rewrite
And it is: -.
Compatible with WeeWX versions 4 and 5 (package installs and pip install methods)
Compatible with Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
It no longer supports Python 2.x which has been deprecated since January 2020
Compatible with Linux Debian including the recently released Debian12 Bookworm
Compatible with Linux Arch based platforms
Currently in closed Alpha testing
Progressing towards closed Beta testing and Public Beta launch
Beta launch will be anoounced here, at WeeWX User Group and at WXForum.net
For futher information e-mail steepleian@btinternet.com
Team DivumWX